About Us

The Agricultural Research Trust is a self-funded research and demonstration farm. Formed in 1983, ART has been at the forefront of agriculture in Zimbabwe and has international recognition for its achievements. 

Who We Are

The Agricultural Research Trust (ART) is a self-funded research and demonstration farm established in 1983. Since its inception, ART has been at the forefront of agriculture in Zimbabwe, earning international recognition for its contributions to the agricultural sector. The Trust is governed by a non-executive Board of Trustees consisting of five prominent farmers, and a Board of Management responsible for executive decisions, all of whom are dedicated to advancing sustainable farming practices.

Our team is led by a Director, supported by a senior management team comprising a Farm Manager, Research Manager, and Research Officer. Together, they oversee two research technicians and 85 junior staff members, all of whom are housed on the Trust Farm.

What We Do On The Farm

ART operates a large field laboratory that serves as a hub for contract research, demonstrations, and independently funded research. This facility allows for the testing and showcasing of crop varieties, irrigation infrastructure, tillage equipment, and grazing practices. The Trust also runs a commercial model farm, which helps fund the organization and demonstrates sustainable agricultural practices.

Our research and demonstration activities are supported by a 67ha field laboratory with full irrigation capabilities, ensuring optimal conditions for year-round experimentation and crop production. The Trust farm also features 320 hectares of paddocked veld grazing and 14 hectares of irrigated, fertilized pasture, supporting a 400-head beef unit and a 144-sow pig unit.

About The Farm

The Trust farm at 1,480m a.m.s.l. with a mean annual rainfall of 750 mm is situated 18km due North of Harare and its southern boundary is contiguous with Harare City.  Land area is 560 ha, of which 250ha is arable.

There is a 67ha field laboratory and the balance of the area is taken up for commercial crop production. The field laboratory is served by a water ring main to provide full irrigation and there is sufficient water to irrigate in addition 30ha of full-season winter cover crops and supplement some 100ha of Summer grain crops.

There is a veld grazing area of 320 paddocked hectares and 14 ha of irrigated fertilised pasture. The farm runs a 400-head beef unit with an off-take of 200 head of finished steers per year. There is also a 144 sow pig unit producing 2,550 baconers per year. The Unit Practices Artificial Insemination to achieve optimum genetics.

Irrigation is supplied by double pumping from boreholes into overnight storage reservoirs and then onto the land by sprinklers

The soils are all heavy red clay derived from epidiorite and greenstone schist. Subsurface water yield and soil fertility are therefore excellent.

Aerial View of the farm yard at ART Farm