Our Partners

Agricultural Partnerships Trust is an implementing partner on the RAISE Project, specialising in smallholder market development.

The Oak Foundation is a supporting partner for the RAISE Project at ART Farm and in Mount Darwin District

MyTrees Trust is partnered with us on our Biodiversity hotspots around the Farm, and tree planting across the farm.

Reddane Farming sells livestock products from the agri-hub on the farm, as well as locally sourced food produce, including from ART Farm.

Grown free produces pasture raised eggs, which integrates throughout the year into our high-density grazing system of raising beef cattle.

Bargrove Veterinary Group operates a breeding facility and small-scale regenerative dairy in a wild area of the farm.

Klein Karoo Seeds runs a plant breeding and research station from the farm. They have been partners with us for over 15 years.