St Johns School Trip

On Tuesday 29th March, 3 Grade 6 classes from St Johns Preparatory School  visited ART. 
The purpose was to improve engagement with the community and educate schools on the importance of research in agriculture. The classes spent a morning visiting various areas of the farm.

At the horticulture section, they learnt about the many types of vegetable, the difference between OPV and hybrid varieties, the benefits of mulching, and the importance of a diversity of vegetables in your diet.

Bargrove Vets kindly showed them cows being milked, how parasites are identified using microscopes, and the indigenous cross cattle.

The kids also visited the research section, where they learnt about regenerative agriculture. Here they tested compaction, soil stability, water infiltration, and plant diversity.

The day was a huge success and we look forward to having St John’s Back!


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